E Zine of KV Pattom published by the Library

As she walked by the shore…

In Poetry, Uncategorized on July 1, 2017 at 9:05 am


As she walked by the shore,
Her footprints on sand,
Met with unknown,
As the waves crashed each other,
Longing to touch her feet,
Only to take the sins away,
She looked at the sand castles made of dreams,
The seashells she collected now,
Will be bracelets then,
The wind whispering the tale of unknown,
And the clouds so deep,
For stories so new,
And as she looked back at the ocean,
She saw life and stories,
Hope and dreams,
And there she was,
Standing at the present,
Smiling at her mysterious future and the immortal past…

By Prarthana Manoj, XII D